Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reasons Why You Need to Go On Educational Tour

Organizing a trip for your students is 200% worth it, not just for them, but also for you.Educational trips abroad or to other states can provide a learning experience no classroom can. For those moments when you feel like it’s all taking a bit too much of your time and effort, read on reasons why students need to go on an educational tour.

Effective Learning From Real-World Experience

These activities develop the critical-thinking ability of students and make them innovative thinkers. Diversified cultural immersion also helps students learn new languages.Whether students take language lessons during their time abroad or can experience language only in a real-life context. Traveling an overseas trip is an excellent opportunity for them to practice their language skills, especially understanding and speaking communication abilities. These are often skills that can be challenging for teachers to incorporate lessons in their language regularly, and often do not exceed the skills that usually bother students most at the end of school exams. A trip abroad gives them a unique opportunity to receive extensive practice.

Better Exchange of Ideas

Group discussion is one of the best ways of learning. An educational trip offers the perfect informal set-up for vigorous group discussion.Students can group discussions with new people of the original location with their friends, classmates, and peers. It reflects students' interest in studies, helps to identify their identity, and makes them more active to form their knowledge part.

Learning About Local Culture

Teaching your students about the culture of the country is one thing; They feel that this first-hand is a completely different thing. Living the experience is not only very easy to understand for students but also makes it much more enjoyable and fun. Reading in a coursebook about local customs never means much to a student unless they have the opportunity to be part of that culture and live it.

Better networking skills

As students travel to new and different places, they interact with different people. Interacting with Native and other students during service-teaching trips offers a lot of opportunities for students to develop social and intellectual skills. It helps them make new friends. Sharing some experiences provides a strong bond and friendship between people and allows them to reclaim experience with others repeatedly in the future.

Atlantis Research organised and conducts educational tours in all parts of the country. If you’ve been looking for a tour operator for your next school trip, get in touch with us.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tips For A Visit To The NASA Kennedy Space Center

Are you planning a NASA trip ?Have you looking to go NASA Kennedy Space Center So, this blog is for you.Here you will invaluable tips and tricks to help you on your visit to the center.

Book Tickets Online
Avoid the hassle of queues when you get there and book your tickets while booking a hotel. Many hotels in the area will sell advance tickets if you want to get them while booking your accommodation. Seniors, military and teachers can get a little discount on admission but can see at the time of booking. Or call us and let us take care of them!

Arrive Early
The Kennedy Space Center opens at 9 am every day, but one thing most people don't know is that the car park begins at 8:30 am. If you want to get convenience and miss the terrible struggles of trying to find all the traffic and parking space, get up, get ready, get in the car, and go. Get the best parking spots right out of doors, remember all the queues, and become the first ones.

Start At Atlantis
Once you hand over your tickets and are at the Center, go straight to Atlantis at 9 am. Spend an hour for exploring the Atlantis tour and then go on the Kennedy Space Center Bus Tour at 10 am. Alternatively, you can do both, head to Atlantis for an hour, then get over to the bus for 10 am, then back to back to complete the building in Atlantis it gets busier in the afternoon.

Set Off on the Bus Tour in the Morning
If you want to tour the Kennedy Space Center bus, is it advisable to go on tour at 10 am after discovering Atlantis? As if you wait until noon, there will be more people on the site, and queues will be longer. Take the children to the restroom before boarding as it is 40 minutes long. Tip: If you sit on the right-hand side on the bus you will find the best view rather than left-side of the bus.

Bring Food or Snacks
You can bring a soft-sided cooler to the Kennedy Space Center; You can have drinks, snacks, and food there. As we all know, children and sometimes adults can also go hungry when you go around all day.

Wear Comfortable Shoes
As with any attractions, make sure you have to wear comfortable shoes! If you're on your feet all day, you don't want to have sore feet.

So start booking for your NASA trips with us. We provide you well tips and tricks and NASA tours guidance to make your day at the center.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Benefits Of Educational Tour

Inside the classroom students get to know about new things and new ideas.But here we will discuss about various benefits of the educational tour.

Effective Learning

Field trips help students interact with their learning. Experience is beyond reading about a concept; Students can see, manipulate it or participate physically. Students can see the elements with their own eyes instead of reading about it and believe that they are told in books or by teachers. These tours offer students the opportunity to learn through travel, especially in places where they otherwise cannot reach to travel. Educational trips offer valuable educational opportunities away from the classroom, without using textbooks and other tools, which are used in normal school settings. Students who go on educational journeys can often learn by having fun in a more informal environment. If there is a professional guide in the educational travel destination. Which does teaching work to students visiting a science center or historical museum, the learners will be excited to learn from someone new.


Learning trips also provide entertainment for students. They often act as a powerful motivator for students. Getting away from the routine gives students refreshments that can help them to focus more on studies. Learning and fun always make a great combination. Field trips are considered fun, but students learn it well, whether they feel it or not. No matter how much students learn during an educational journey, their favorite memories based on the joy of the day. Staying away from the Institute for a day or half is always exciting for students, and educational trips are always highly anticipated. Students will enjoy with their friends or classmates, and they can also return to class with a renewed focus.

Exchange Of Ideas

An educational tour offers the ideal informal set-up for a lively discussion. Group discussion is also one of the most effective means of education. Group discussions of students can take place not only among their friends, classmates and peers but also with new people. It shows their interest in studies. Real-life experiences such as museums of science, museums of history and arts, places of research, or factory visits are precious as they make learning colorful and real.

Cultural Observation

On an excellent educational tour, students experience a different culture through their eyes. Nowadays, many travel agencies organize tours that voluntarily offer opportunities and other opportunities on how people of socioeconomic status live in different types of local people. Such experience can help students develop more compassion for people of different styles of life. This can also help them reflect how these issues affect people near their home, motivating them to work towards change.

If you are planning for educational tour At Atlantis Erudition, We are offering Educational Tours,Educational Travel Educational Program, Nasa Trip and Nasa Tour from our agents for your International School Trip.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Things To See At NASA Johnson's Center

NASA has several centers located across the United States, many of which offer tours or host visitor centers that are open to the public. Most of these visitor centers have space-injected science museums, and they can stop spectacular holidays.

Rocket Park

Rocket Park is a scene. The Two rockets pointing skyward- Mercury Redstone and an Apollo capsule a little Joe II booster - are quite impressive. The real treasure, however, is in the long shed or hanger next to them: a Saturn V, the rocket that launched the Apollo missions to the Moon. Out of the three survivors, Saturn Vs. It survives its Apollo capsules (command module) and escapes tower (NASA image).
Rocket Park

Neutral Buoyancy Lab

The Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL)  located about 5 miles north of the Johnson Space Centre. It is a large pool that astronauts use to train for space operations. They wear dive suits in which their weight is substantially equal to water, to mimic weightlessness. In the water are full-scale mockup of the International Space Station (ISS) module, SpaceX Dragon capsules, and other currently used space vehicles. Which the astronauts can stimulate repairs during simulated spacewalks.
Neutral Buoyancy Lab
Independence Plaza

The Independence Plaza has not yet opened (its official start is January 23, 2016). But it is already one of Space Center Houston's most impressive destinations. Its focal point is freedom – a full-level, high-fidelity Space Shuttle Replica at the top Of NASA -905, one of two Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA). It is a modified Boeing 747 that was used to ferry stakes across the country if they landed in California, and brought them to their final homes after retiring. At Independence Plaza, visitors will be able to enter and explore freedom, visit NASA-905, and visit other exhibitions related to the shuttle era. (Space Center Houston Illustration)
Independence Plaza
Space Capsules
Several historic space capsules are on display at the Space Centre Houston Visitor site. These include the Faith 7 Mercury capsule flown by Gordon Cooper; Gemini 5, blown up Gordo Copper and Pete Conrad and the Apollo 17 command module, named the US. Which is flown to the Moon and back by Gene-Cernan, Ronald Evans, and Harrison Schmitt. Besides, NASA's latest generation space capsule, Orion, is on display at the Space Centre Houston. A second Orion capsule building 9. Space vehicles are in the mockup facility. It offers an interior view for those who are good enough to go to the building floor.
Space Capsules
Lunar Module
Space Center is a lunar module suspended from the ceiling in Houston, which shines with a trim of gold, copper, and silver. This special craft, LTA-8, serves as a test unit for astronaut training. It was in the same design spacecraft in which six crew of astronauts landed on the surface of the Moon. Their Lunar Module acted as their base while on the Moon and returned them to lunar orbit when their stay was over, leaving just the descent stage behind. The Apollo 13 Lunar module acted as a lifesaver after the flight's service module was damaged, helping the crew survive longer for a safe return to Earth.
Lunar Module

If your are planning for NASA tours then remember to see these cool things and If you need any NASA Trips guidance you can take our guidance.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Features Of A Successful Educational Program

Any educational program can be recognized as a successful program if it reaches its most important objective - developing the  features of the educational program among its students and successfully providing its learning results thereby producing successful and accomplished students.
  1. Increase Knowledge        
  • Understanding to explore solutions and create new ideas and concepts.
  • Ability to design a system to answer needs through analysis of the interaction between essential technologies.
  • Knowledge management ability to bring the technological, marketing, organization and social knowledge into innovations.
  1. Enhancement of social competencies
Social competencies include intellectual activities, social interpersonal relationships, and skills in self-control. Students will learn important skills in listening, thinking, communicating and moving forward through independent study, group work and double-loop learning.
  1. Enhancement of inventiveness
Inventiveness is based on creativity, industrial engineering, and knowledge-based society. Through this phase, students will take systematically structured Basic/Technical courses to learn to be innovative based on the knowledge science methods.
  1. Learning 
An educational program is successful if it supports students to detect and feed their concerns. A student should be intellectually eager to learn new concepts. The trajectory of a rocket is not taught to students by paper and pen, but by the flight of real rockets and real measurement and analysis.
  1. Personal Development
An educational program is successful if it provides education for life. In educational programs, students not only learn concepts in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) but also learn soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication and time management while they work in teams on certain projects.
  1. Skill development
Another important feature of a good education program is its development and performance. Instructors who are enthusiastic about learning and teaching develop an education program that is not only fun to share, but also full of learning and skill development. An experienced teacher gives years of learning in the material development of a successful education program. That which is created with respect and the desire to share becomes pleasant and adventurous to participate in.
Each educational program with Atlantis Research has been developed by experts and highly experienced teachers. Whether it is the Astrotrek, Scitrek or the Aerospace and Science Discovery Camp, the STEM education programs offered by Atlantis are outstanding in terms of their content and delivery. Learn more about these successful and excellent educational programs at Atlantis Research.

Importance of educational tours for students

Education has to give knowledge to the students. Students acquire knowledge and improve their skills by using the concepts they learn. The educational tour plays an important role in educating students in a practical and interesting way. Something that is seen in reality can be easily understood than something that we simply read in the book. So taking students on trips that will compare their academics can help them learn better.
The educational program can also be a way of fun and entertainment. Every school should encourage students to participate in educational tours. It is a good idea to improve the knowledge of the students by making educational visits part of the curriculum.
In today's educational system, the importance of an educational tour for college students cannot be ignored. The educational tour offers students a great opportunity to learn in informal environments while building long-lasting relationships with other students and teachers. This is even more important for college students who are set to grow professionally in an unfamiliar world. Depending on the course students are taking in college, there are different kinds of field tours focusing on history, heritage, business, nature, etc.
Advantages of Educational Tours:
  • Educational Tours help students learn through visual experience
  • Educational Trips can be an interesting way to explore new things
  • They help educate children on complex topics
  • Students get an idea on concepts through live examples
  • Educational visits to schools should be made mandatory
Real World Experience
Educational trips provide a total immersion opportunity in the natural environment and social settings. On educational trips, the student practices his social skills and critical thinking abilities outside of the controlled class setting. Ask experts about their particular area of study on the spot requires thinking.
Classroom Inspiration
A student who looks at touches and smells historical relics, the sources of ancient artifacts and lessons become more deeply motivated to learn when they come back to the classroom. Educational trips encourage learning beyond textbooks and videos what textbooks and videos can provide to the learning environment. This is not to say that all educational trips are equally stimulating, but those tours that have well-designed results in high levels of academic achievement in every subject of study. It allows all participants to learn without realizing it, which reaches more students than different learning backgrounds and styles.
Connection to Community
Educational trips taking advantage of local resources promote community interaction. For example, a student may never have the opportunity to go to a local park or bank, which is important resources within a community for both the student and his family. Students from non-English speaking families or those who have recently moved into the community have the opportunity to learn about the local the area with their school guidance, as well as share information with their family when they return home.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Reasons Why You Should Go on an Educational Tour

Here we will tell you about various reasons to go on an educational tour.

Here are some reasons why you should go on an educational tour.

Making new friends

Students traveling to educational tour get an opportunity to meet new people so that they get many opportunities to practice their social skills. It also allows them to make new friends: with local people or with other students on the trip.

Sharing some experience provides a strong relation and the bond between people and gives them the opportunity to live again and again with others in the future.

Better the relation between teachers and students

During a visit, it is a great way to create a report with your students at a more personal level. Children with a personal relationship with a teacher are very much involved and motivated in the classroom.

Their behavior improves, in general, because of they suddenly feel more connected to the teacher and see how they are not paying the attention which directly affects the teacher.

Learning language

An educational program is a stunning open door for them to rehearse their language skills, particularly the informative abilities of understanding and talking. 

These are often occasions that can be challenging for teachers to be included in the lessons of their language on a regular basis, and are often not more than those skills, which are usually done at the end of the school examinations. 
A visit abroad offers them a unique opportunity to get extensive practice.

Increase motivation for Student

It is necessary to learn a language in the classroom, but the importance of learning a language as a teacher is difficult to pass, the passion for the second culture and the enthusiasm of being able to interact with someone in the second or third language.

Students who have gone on an educational trip understand these points and need very little outside motivation to learn languages ​​because they have experienced before. It can also make a difference in their future career because some students may choose to pursue their career in languages.


How much the students learn during the educational trip, their favorite memories can be founded on their delight in the day. Going away from school for a day or half-day is always energizing for students, and educational trips are always highly anticipated.

Real-World Experience

Educational tours give a chance to add up to immersion in natural environments and social settings. On such a journey, the student controls his social skills and critical thinking abilities beyond the control class setting.

Experts need to think in order to be able to ask about their particular area of ​​study on the spot. She is capable of learning real-world lessons.

Classroom Inspiration

A student who looks at historical remains, touches, and sniffs get inspired to learn more deeply when the original sources of ancient artworks and lessons come back to class. Educational trips encourage learning beyond textbooks and videos for the learning environment.


During the educational tour, all the things held many times may seem overwhelming, but it is well worth it and satisfaction is very beneficial for seeing the students' enjoyment and experiencing the benefits that come out of the journey.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019



Education has a very essential role to play in a student’s career and at a point deciding the field of study becomes more necessary and no doubt science has become a very important aspect of everybody’s life. From keeping yourself healthy to every logical question in our daily lives, science has a great role to play. There are many decisions that need to be taken at every step in our lives and the answer will always be related to science. And this is the reason why the scope of growth in science is getting enhanced day by day. More choices in the career part of a student are also a consequence of the increased importance of science.


The various fields of science programs in which a student can prosper career are given below:
1. Computer Science
2. Information Technology
3. Environmental Science
4. Biology
5. Forensic Science
6. Biotechnology
7. Health Sciences
8. Physics
9. Chemistry
10. Mathematics
And many more to go for >>>>


The importance of science programs can be described as follows:
1. It helps in shaping out observation and reasoning power of students strong which pays out at every stage of life even if you are not pursuing your career in science anymore.
2. Science gives more practical knowledge than other fields of study that makes the students think logically from their mind.
3. It provides the discipline of mind by keeping the students separated from their ordinary school life.
4. It develops the thinking ability of a student and thus, enhances critical judgment capacity which encourages them to develop something new every time.
5. Studying science is the best way to nurture a human brain and think logically beyond the limit.
6. Science helps in making a person innovative and creative that takes out the opportunity to become a famous personality.
7. There are many professional careers available with a student that are interconnected with science and related concepts like engineering, environmental or medicines.
8. Science helps in building up a foundation of learning for all those students who wish to do something great in their career path.
9. Science programs help develop analytical and quantitative skills that are very necessary to understand the scientific world.
10. Scientific application of everything makes a student capable of taking challenges, solving problems and taking informed decisions.
Software engineering is the process of analyzing user needs and designing, constructing, and testing end user applications that will satisfy these needs through the use of software programming languages. It is the application of engineering principles to software development.
Types of Software Engineering Degrees
• Online Software Engineering Degrees. ...
• Software Design & Development. ...
• Software Quality Assurance & Testing. ...
• Software Engineering Configuration Management Degrees. ...
• Web, Game, & Mobile Application Development Engineering Degrees. ...
• Information Security Engineering Degrees. ...
• Artificial Intelligence Engineering Degrees.


From entertainment to knowledge along with learning something new every time, educational tours are a great support to a student’s life and career. Educational tours can help a student groom his personality with having known all the latest trends in the field of science and technology.
There are many things that a student should experience on his/her first educational tour. These are:
  1. Best opportunity to test your foreign language skills
Whichever foreign language you have learned in your life, visiting a foreign country for the purpose of education can help you to test your foreign language speaking skills and get involved with the people there speaking in their native language. Even if you don’t know the language you should try to be with the people and learn.
      2.   Get mixed in the culture
Try to gather some knowledge and facts about the foreign country or any other place that you are going to visit during your educational tour. Get mixed with the people there, make friends and get lost in a totally different world. Try their local language and try to understand their culture.
      3.  Keep a journal
The best way, to make your educational tour a memorable one and make others feel jealous and inspired, Having a travel journal with you can result in deriving the maximum benefit from your educational program.
      4.  Try the local cuisine 
There is always a dish that a country is well known for. And you must try that during the course of your educational tour. This will provide you an edge against everybody else who misses these moments and some of the best experiences in life.
       5.   Start collection
Collection of a unique item or material that can remember your educational tour can be the best way of how you can explore different places and countries. And take the benefit of your educational tour to the maximum level.
      6.    Set objectives
Your goals and objectives of going on an educational tour should be clear and well defined in your own mind. Because the most important part is to gather the knowledge and information that is not easily accessible to every one student pursuing studies.
    7.  Plan Group Activities
The purpose is not only gathering precious knowledge related to studies but also to relax our mind and have some fun, so you should plan some sort of group activities that may include playing games. This will help you connect with other people around and then, you can have more engagement with fun learning.

What is the impact of educational tour to a student knowledge?

Hello Everyone, Here we are going to talk about the impact of the educational tour on student knowledge. Education is the way of getting or giving systematic education, especially in a school or university. It is a comprehensive idea in which knowledge, ethics, skills, habits, and beliefs are gained or learned. 
There are different educational methods of providing knowledge to students; Organizing an educational tour is one of them. It plays a significant job in teaching students in practical and interesting ways. The academic tour enables the students to adopt new things outside the classroom in a fun atmosphere. Students get to see practically what they first read on textbooks. 
Apart from this, the practical experience of an academic tour can enable them to exceed expectations in their social, proficient and psychological way. Read more to know the other impact of Educational TourA well-organized and the well-executed academic tour has a long-term impact on students.

  • Learning

Educational tours help students to collaborate with their learning. Learning is the way toward gaining new information or changing existing learning, practices, abilities, qualities, or preferences. Students can see the elements with their eyes and believing the things told by the teachers. These tours provide students the opportunity to learn through travel, particularly to places where they can not travel with their parents.

  • Independence

An academic tour puts students in a situation where they have to work independently from the comfort zone of their schools and home. The students get the opportunity to see their capacities and shortcomings by taking part in experiential learning. They learn things on their own without the constant support of guardians and educators. This helps them develop interaction and administration skills.

  • Personal Development

Educational Tour provides the ideal casual setup for discussion, dialogue and experience, which helps in creating different fundamental abilities team building, time management, etc. to increase the reach and effect of society. To concentrate on mindfulness in an individual just as an expert context. To acknowledge the significance of contrasts and assorted variety, and despite being sensitive to every person, regardless of the differences in ideas.

  • Entertainment

Learning tours also provide entertainment for students. They often work as a powerful motivator for students. Learning and fun make an extraordinary blend. Field outings are viewed as fun, but students learn with it, whether they feel it or not.

  • Socialization

Most students shy away from expressing themselves because of the lack of social ability. An educational journey encourages him to come close to his classmates. Students might almost certainly spend a day on an educational trip in little gatherings, watching, talking and finding out about each other. It also helps in building up a decent relationship with educators and tutors.


Educational program or tour for various types of places enable the children to know the lives of people from various professions, specializations, sections, religions, nations, etc. It encourages them to understand the decent variety of the world and make them liberal enough to acknowledge the dissimilarities. However, in order to fulfill all these reforms, an academic tour should be organized and fully implemented on the barriers. Students will be able to take advantage of the educational tour only when this tour is entertaining and attractive to them.